What is it?
Hypnosis is a perfectly safe, natural state of mind that occurs multiple times each day. This mental experience is characterized by a highly focused state of attention in which everything else recedes into background awareness. Common examples: Let’s say Jane’s driving on the freeway and misses her exit because she’s deep in thought. That’s hypnosis. Gwen paints, losing track of time. Paul daydreams while Cheryl gets absorbed in a good book. Or that wonderful, relaxed feeling just before falling asleep at night; these are all very natural experiences of hypnosis and signify an altered state of mind. We shift in and out of these states easily…just imagine Paul at his desk, daydreaming…until the tapping sound by his boss gets his attention. Shift. Notice also, Paul was in full control of that mental experience.
Go Deeper
Therapeutically, the intrinsic value of hypnosis is two-fold. Hypnosis deeply relaxes the body and effectively quiets the mind. This beneficial aspect alone merits value. Secondly, hypnosis has the ability to create profound, rapid changes because it communicates directly with the subconscious mind.
This part of the mind has a very different nature and job description than its more familiar co-worker, the conscious mind. Whereas the conscious is responsible for logical, critical thinking skills (ie: Sherlock Holmes), the subconscious stores our memories, life experiences, self-thoughts and creative imagination — and it’s from here that our emotions take shape, habits form, and choices are made as to how we relate to ourselves, to others, and to the world around us. Additionally, while the conscious mind thinks sequentially, the subconscious provides a bird’s eye view, “seeing the whole picture,” providing connections and insight that’s outside of analytic thinking. These two very important parts of the mind have a working relationship in which the conscious mind makes decisions informed by our subconscious thoughts.
The subconscious also controls our autonomic nervous system, responsible for numerous involuntary functions (ie: heart rate, blood pressure, rate of healing, digestion) and physical sensations, such as pain. These things operate outside of our conscious control yet are influenced by our emotions and subconscious thoughts. Moreover, the subconscious and the physical body communicate with each another 24/7 — through thoughts, feelings and images. In other words, subconscious thoughts and feelings drive our behaviors, while simultaneously influencing our physical health.
What happens in a session?
All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and the client is in full control of his/her experience. In a therapeutic session, a clinical hypnotherapist gently guides the client into a safe, relaxed state, to engage both the conscious and subconscious mind for healing purposes. This is what makes hypnotherapy a unique and powerful healing modality. A free, confidential consultation is always done beforehand to discuss the client’s issue and to agree upon treatment goals. As you may already sense, hypnotherapy offers hope and excitement for what’s possible.
I have a strong mind. Can I be hypnotized? Because hypnosis is a safe, natural experience that’s already familiar to you and your body, all that is needed is a genuine desire to reach your goal and a willingness to participate in this process.
Who’s in control? In hypnosis, you are in full control of your experience. Your conscious mind remains attentive during hypnosis with protective mechanisms in place so that you will not give away trade secrets, nor do anything that’s against your moral code. In other words, you cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to.
Is hypnosis a truth serum? In hypnosis, you are fully aware of what’s going on and may withhold information, if that’s what you choose.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis? No, because you are fully aware and in control of your experience. The worst-case scenario is you fall asleep, waking up feeling refreshed and alert.
How effective is hypnotherapy? According to research studies, hypnosis has a 93% success rate with fewer sessions than both behavioral and psychotherapy. (Alfred A Barrios / 1970).